Raiding is ALWAYS a problem to our fello clashers, yet, I am here to lend my hand to them.
Table of Contents:
1. The Why
2. The How
3. The Ranges of Farming
4. Goals
5. My New Idea (BE SURE TO READ THIS!!!—>MTG)
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1. The Why
I met thousands of players, yes thousands, and they always question and whine about low/inefficient raids. Most of thw questions are:
- How do you get much loots?
- What army combos do you use?
- What range are you in?
- And most importantly, How much do you get per hour?
Well, i am here, to help and revive the hope of the hopeless players worldwide. I was a no0b player, worst than you reader, and here is my village before I read
PedroLee‘s Farming 101 thread. Big Shout to him, I am sure you, Pedro, will see this

But now, thanks god, I grew well.. Currently level 81 in clan named Bonbee is a cat.
So, lets get to business.
2. The How
a. Army Combinations:
Army Combinations differ from each player to player, depends on the space of his camps, level of his troops, and of course, his personal taste and skills.
Players in CoC are usually classified in 2 categories, and each category breaks to smaller branches. Here, I will be going throw every army combination I know, or I used.
- The Trophy Hunter
-> Trophy hunting is supposed to be the soul purpose of Clash of clans, and most of they players, till now, do trophy hunt. Most of the famous combos are:
1. P.E.K.K.As: The attack depends on P.E.K.K.As and wizards, and 10-14 wizards. Light spells are a must, yet other spells depend on personal taste. This style is often used by high hitters ( 3300+ ). And of course, it isn’t efficient.
2. Dragons: The attack is made by 10-11 dragons, and some archers. Light spells are a must, and other spells depend on personal taste. Usually used by people with 2300+ trophies. Not efficient.
3. Healer-Giant Combo: Made up of one or two healers, 25-30 giants and the rest archers. It isn’t really efficient, but if you aim for loot, more than you spent on the attack, you will do good in it.
4. Arch-Gaint-Barb-Wallbreaker Combo: Made of a ratio depending on the personal taste of the player. My style is 40 barbs, 12 gaints, 8 wallbreakers and the rest archers. This arttack doesn’t cost much, i use it in the 1700+ range.
5. Barb-Archer Combo: I use it, to get in trpohies fast. i assign 2 barracks to make barbs, and the other 2 barracks to make archers. I usually end up with 110 barbs, and 90 archers. This style is the most effiecient of all, the army is fast to make, and so cheap, yet, affective. There are some people at 2600+ using this combo. Believe it or not.
-> Farming is the process of neglecting trophies and looking only for loots. Most of the army combinations are cheap, and they aim to steal the resources ONLY. They should always look for MORE than 100 k hits. Most of the famous combos are:
1. Goblin-Wallbreak: Usually used by hardcore farmers, they carry 15-20 wallbreakers and the rest of his army is made up of goblins. They aim to the ‘core’ of the attacked village, steal all the loot and surrender on less than 40% damage.
2. Arch-Goblin-Wallbreaker: Used by normal or casual farmers, usually 125 archers, 15 wallbreakers and the rest is made up of goblins. They aim for villages with normal defense. They send in couple goblins and archers behind. Then use the wallbreakers to bust throw walls
3. Barb-Arch: Most efficient of all farming methods, and I use it. The army is cheap, and the income is huge. It’s a win.

Barbs are spread out first, then archers behind. Wait till the troops clear out the buildings out side the walls, then send barbs in groups of 25s, behind them of course, archers.
4. Arch-Giant-Wallbreaker: One of the most famous combos, can mainly steal the loot of any trophy base/farming base. Send couple giants first, wallbreakers behind and archers to take out the buildings. Aim the giants to hit the mortars and wizard towers if you can, since they are the most affective defenses against Melee troops.
5. Goblin only: This method is used by farmers, with townhall 8 or bellow, farming in sub 200. They aim for minimum 1k per goblin. Most of the people stopped using it now, since it became clogged by hardcore farmers. Once you sleep, you should always expect a trophy push to 400+.
3. The Ranges of Farming
The point, that the farmers are always talking about, are the ranges. Each farmer should find his own cozy seat to farm in. One of the famous ranges for:
- TH9:
-Sub 200: You need to be online, each battle is 200 k, yet, you expect to be farmed after you sleep or get offline. You have to be continuously online, other wise, you will lose the range.
-1400-1600: This range is full of loots, you have to tap next 7-15 times, you need a full army though.
- TH8:
-Sub 200: Same as before, you have to be continuously online, other wise you would lose or range. You would find some open banks, but they are drying up day by day.
-1200-1400: Great place for loots that I use. I can basically steal any base with the barb-arch combo mentioned above.
- TH7:
-Sub 200: A lot of open banks, with the need to drop to sub 75 always. Refer to the goblin combo above.
-1000-1200: A place wonderful, full of villages with full collectors.
-1400+: You can find 200k+ loots, and with dark elixir.
- TH6-5:
-Sub 900: Since the loot penalty on those low town hall levels, loots are great….
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