Sunday, 4 May 2014

Clan Wars - advices for the new knights and for the elder swordsman

1 -  If you haven't already done it please read the official FAQ from Supercell about Clan Wars here

Advices for the new knights and for the elder swordsman

Clan Wars - Attacking

The Art of war

1st step - Lure out the clan castle troops!

One may think that the gameplay of clan wars isn't that different from a normal trophy push raid but it is a total different world.

For sure what makes the difference is the clan castle and who's inside.  

When u are farming u usually find clan castles wich are empty because we preferably attack abandoned villages or it happens that there are very bad armed troops inside like giants or barbs.

When u play clan wars be prepared that you'll find the strongest troops inside.

Therefore in order to start a succesfull attack you should first lure this troops outside of the castle and kill them with archers or a dragon.

Most important thing is that you have at least 40 archers, 20 will be used for this.

If there' s a barbarian king and an archer queen you should lure them out right after the clan castle troops or if they are close to the clan castle you lure em out together, using the other 20 archers to get rid of em.

Don't use any wizards to get rid of the clan castle troops because they are too vulnerable at this point.

Pay attention that all the troops are being lured outside the clan castle because sometimes not all the troops get out together.

The most dangerous troops you may find inside the clan castle are wizards, witches or a dragon. If you will not get rid of this troops before the real attack your troops will be killed in less than a minute.

During our second war the biggest surprise were the wizards inside the clan castle, every single castle was filled with wizards and at the beginning we lost many battles but finally won this war because we started to lure them out before the real attack. 

Once you killed this troops you can attack with your hogs and the part of your other trained army.


The clan castle (cc) on the war map

Maybe it is not necessary that i mention it, but since i see that a few knights continue asking defensive troops for the war clan castle on the chat, please be advised that the clan castle on the war map and the clan castle in your standard village are two different castles.

During preparation day anyone who has plenty of elixir and min. Lvl 5+ troops can donate troops on the war map. Please read carefully what is being requested here because this troops can't be discarded.

The troops inside the war clan castle will always be the same during war day, therefore any opponent that will attack your village will find the same troops.

When preparing your village consider placing the clan castle in the center of the village to avoid that your opponent could lure the troops out easily.

The War Base (credits by: MILANo (Shadow Troops))

A player will be required to create a base that gives them an advantage in defense over their normal base, a War Base does not focus on protecting any resource storages directly like a farming base does, but instead focusses on protecting the Town Hall and defending against attackers with the aim of preventing any stars. A War Base must have good splash damage coverage (splash damage is the kind of damage dealt by Mortars and Wizard Towers, it does damage to large numbers of troops rather than one unit at a time) and should also be designed in a way that allows every available building to be in range of a defensive building. The Clan Castle will also play a major role in the outcome of a defense, make sure you fill your Clan Castle with good troop combinations:

-For a level 1 Clan Castle (10 spaces) 2 Wizards and two Archers is a great combination

-For a level 2 Clan Castle (15 spaces) 1 witch and 3 Archers is a good combination however it does not do as well as 3 Wizards and 3 Archers

-For a level 3 Clan Castle (20 spaces) The best option is a Dragon followed by 5 Wizards then a witch and 2 Wizards and lastly 4 Wizards and 4 Archers

-For a level 4 Clan Castle (25 spaces) The best bet is to go with a witch 3 Wizards and 1 Archer

-For a level 5 Clan Castle (30 spaces) The usual champions league combination of 2 witches 1 Wizard and two Archers works well.

Every outcome of an attack, or defense is based entirely on your choice. So make it good and just remember... Enjoy it! 

Link to the full article "Clan Wars and bases" 


Maximize Stars in Clan Wars (credits: by: NC0990 (BL-58))

1. CC defense troops!
Make sure that only the highest level troops are being donated into your castle! Of course everyone has their own preference of troop that they want to defend so make sure you are letting whomever know exactly what it is that you want!

2. The line-up
So once the match making is finished you have an even number of players on each side in order from highest to lowest overall bases. Whats the best way to attack to maximize the amount of stars you get? Ok Ill use a 10 on 10 clan war as an example. The total amount of attacks that one side can have is 20 (2 per person), but the highest amount of stars you can get is 30 (3 stars per base). The most effective way to get the most out of your stars is to take the top half of your clan and work your way from bottom to top. Meaning in a 10 on 10 war you want your 5th person to attack their 10th and 9th person, and work your way up. Do it this way because the top half of your clan should be evenly matched, or overpowered compared to the relative match ups according to this ladder (your number 5 clan member should always be able to 3 star their number 10 and 9.and your number one should always be able to get at least one star on the other number one and 2 guy). Now if you get at least one star on any base DO NOT attack that person again!! It will slow the progress of more potential stars down the line! If for some reason you do not get any stars what happens is the next clan member in the chain will drop one base number to pick up those stars! Example: your number 5 guy 3 stars their number 10 but doesn't get any stars on number 9your number 4 guy will drop his number 7 guy and attack numbers 8 and 9 for easier stars! And this will continue up the ladder leaving your number one guy to face their number 2 and 3 instead of one and 2. In a perfect war your top 5 will 3 star everyone with your low 5 just collecting loot with their attacks.

3. Communication is key!
If you feel kind of iffy about one guy, or feel like you cant at least get one star let your members know. There could possibly be another match up that you feel more comfortable with that a fellow clan member would trade you with. Or maybe your whole clan would have to drop bases because their number one is overpowered, just make sure you communicate it! Make sure you scout the opponents bases on prep day and let your clan members know what possible troops they have in their Clan Castles so you can prepare for them on your attack! Speaking of scouting make sure that when you scout a base you should always make your troops based off of the base of the opponent! Dont make troops that you think will destroy every base and expect it to work!!

At the end of the day this strategy is not the absolute best strategy everits just the easiest way to maximize the amount of stars you get per clan war. And the more stars you get, the more likely it is that you will win!  

Link to the full article : Maximize stars in Clan Wars Guide!!


Clan Wars! How to Survive and Thrive

(credits: by: CBD (Red Dwarf)

Preparation Day:
1. The best defense is a good defense. The nice thing about clan wars is that if you are upgrading your defenses are still active (even x-bows and Inferno Towers) on the previous level.

2. Base Design: Look everyone knows that you will have troops and if they are good they will try to draw out your troops. There are a lot of good plans on the builder find one and use it. But keep the following in mind:
a. Keeping the Clan Castle absolutely centered is vitally important, even more important that keeping you Town Hall absolutely centered. The best way to check for this is from the village edit screen. If you select your CC (Clan Castle) make sure there is solid white all around it.
b. Use the collectors (gold and elixir) as shields. I know hogs, Giants, etc will pass them by, but no one else will, use them in the second level of defense to tie up attackers. Remember the goal is to keep them from 2 stars
c. Center your king/queen, same reason as (a)
d. Have at least two layers of defense to blast through before your TH, time is stars people!
e. Repeat after me there is great defense from hogs! So use your Spring Traps around your outer defenses to try and kill as many as possible

3. Filling the CC: now that you have the perfect design what should I fill it with. Simple, high level Wizards. I know some folks prefer Dragons, but, L5 Wizards are nasty and can go in five directions, Dragons are slower and cannot. I have seen Balloons in the role as well. They suck.

4. Who does the filling? This will be quite a burden, but basically whoever has the highest level troops should give. Usually this ends up being leadership. NEVER go in and just start filling with troops actually look at what the person is asking for and wait for direction from your leadership.

War Day!

This is the most important section, and also for you who hate reading, the shortest! Remember the goal is 3 stars, but at least 2 stars.

1. When attacking. Get a Dragon for your attack, bring them in once the Air Defense are down. They wreck shop in a clean up role. For smaller castles, high level Wizards. Remember the burden of providing the high level attack troops will probably still rest with leadership.

2. What is the order of battle?
a. the bottom 10 people in large clans, 3-5 in smaller clans should ladder attack from the bottom. What I mean is this, they begin the attack at #50 of a 50 member clan. The weakest in your clan attacks first, once that base has two stars they move up to #49 and etc. You get the idea, and so on. NO ONE ELSE SHOULD ATTACK THIS LEVEL!
b. The folks in the middle (not top 5-10) attack whomever (except the bottom 3-10)they want but make sure in the first attack is a guaranteed 2-star before going in, after that challenge yourself
c. The Top tier (5-10 top players) SHOULD NOT ATTACK AT ALL the first 18 hours. They should act as the arsenal for the rest of the team. During the last 6 hours they pick off all targets of opportunity. Sometimes there is a low level player on the opponent side that has been skipped, easy three stars.  

Link to the full article


About Ghosting 

We sincerely hate it when one of our opponents is ghosting us. 
I hope that Supercell will soon find a solution to prevent that, some of our opponents really didn't care about fair play.

Therefore I publicly show the clan name of our dear ghosters:


About Clan Members who attack already 3 starred opponents villages 

I first thought they did this erroneously, but since they get the same loot
why not copy the attack as shown in the replay with the same troops ?
Zero risk you may think! But no! 
Because if you do not add any star to our victory 

 if we loose, you'll loose as well

 since you will get only 25% of the loot.

Therefore, please stop that !

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