(This article was taken from Forum)

Do not rush your TH - This is the number one rule that will keep you out of trouble and I cannot stress it enough, dont do it! Max out as much as you possibly can each TH before upgrading to the next, because with each TH upgrade, there will be less gold out there for you to get. The bare minimum you should have before advancing is all of your defenses maxed and all of Army Camps and troops upgraded the the max. Walls are tedious and boring to farm, everyone understands that. Upgrade them as much as you can possibly withstand before upgrading because there will be less loot at your next TH level. Why you may ask? Because of the loot penalties, this is the percentages of the total loot that you can receive from an enemy.
- 5% for attacking someone with a TH 4+ levels lower than you.
- 25% for attacking someone with a TH 3 levels lower than you.
- 50% for attacking someone with a TH 2 levels lower than you.
- 90% for attacking someone with a TH 1 level lower than you.
- 100% for attacking someone with a TH level the same as you.
- 110% for attacking someone with a TH 1 level above you.
- 150% for attacking someone with a TH 2 levels above you.
- 200% for attacking someone with a TH 3 levels above you.
Learn the AI for every troop - While this seems very simple and straight forward, it can be quite demanding. As you probably know by now, once the troops are deployed, you cannot control them any further but knowing how they will react will allow you to strategically place them so that you can control them. Here is a brief description of how the beginning troop AI’s work and experimenting will only get you more accustomed to it.
Barbarians - They are dummies. They attack whatever is closest to it without having to go through walls.
Archers - They are dummies with range. They attack whatever is closest to them period since they can shoot over walls that are 2 or less layers thick. They cannot shoot over walls that are 3 layers thick.
Goblins - They are a “farmers” dream troop. They go straight for every resource building starting with what is closest to them without having to go through walls AND do 2x damage to resources. Do note that even if you know all the gold is in the collectors and none in the storage, they will still attack the storage even if it is bone dry.
Giants - They are big meat shields that attack defenses. They go straight for defenses, and prioritize the ones closer to them that are not inside walls. They are fairly useful though because of the fact that they prioritize defenses which is what you want to focus on because as soon as all the defenses are gone, your only enemy is the clock.
Wall Breakers - These are used to bust holes in your enemies walls. They only attack walls unless there are none to attack. Their damage is multiplied by 40x against walls. These are the toughest to learn the AI. I myself am still getting accustomed to the newest change in their AI, but you can learn more here. Once you understand them, you will over time get accustomed to it and learn how to manipulate them.
The rest of the troops are for more advanced players and I will consider adding them later if popular demand requires it. Here is also a bit more of detail on the subject by flammy5 on the CoC wiki.
Save for Builders - The #1 use for gems is to purchase additional builders. If you are planning to spend money on the game at any time, do it now to get Builders for the max return on investment. The sooner you get them the better because they allow you to upgrade more things at once. If you do not plan on spending any money, then save your gems that you get from achievements. You can earn up to 4 of the 5 buildesr if you save up all of your gems from achievements (I know it gets tempting to spend the gems when they are there to finish that upgrade or buy that little amount of gold you need for the upgrade but don’t!)
Protect Storage’s not Town Hall - While the game introduces the fact that protecting your TH is the most important thing to do, it is not. Protect your storage’s that have all of your precious money in it and ignore the TH. If someone destroys your TH, sure you lose a couple trophies but it gives you a free 12 Hour shield in which nobody can attack you! That is priceless. Of course later on if you want to focus on trophy hunting, then all power to you to do so in which case this would not be effective for you.
Take Advantage of Your Shields - If someone attacks you and gives you a shield, take advantage of it! If you however have the whole night or day ahead of you to farm, then go ahead and attack. It’s of course up to you and only you make your own decisions so it’s ultimately up to you. Remember that even when you have a shield up, you can still do the single player missions without ridding your shield.
Upgrade Resource Collectors - While this is a controversial topic, it is surely useful if you are not a very active player. Upgrading your gold mines and elixir collectors will provide you with free gold and elixir. The times for them begin to get fairly long especially if you only have 2-3 builders. If you’re going to be a very active player and farm all the time, then this can probably hold off in the beginning though it’s never a bad idea to upgrade them. Remember that the sooner you upgrade them, the higher the return on investment is for them.
Keep One Builder Free if Possible - While you may feel like your not getting the most out of it if not all of your builders are working, it is more effective to keep one free. If you know that you won’t be on for awhile then go ahead and assign them all. But, if you have 4 builders and assign them all to 3 day jobs, that’s 3 days where your going to be out of the game. You can farm but the more you have, the more you can lose when you are raided so keep one builder free to spend on wall upgrades before you logout and what not. It is okay to logout with resources in your storage’s especially if you are confident with your base but try to keep it to a minimum. Also, a side note is that keeping one builder free at all time allows you to clear out any bushes and trees that may pop up for the possibility of 1-3 gems.

Do not rush your TH - This is the number one rule that will keep you out of trouble and I cannot stress it enough, dont do it! Max out as much as you possibly can each TH before upgrading to the next, because with each TH upgrade, there will be less gold out there for you to get. The bare minimum you should have before advancing is all of your defenses maxed and all of Army Camps and troops upgraded the the max. Walls are tedious and boring to farm, everyone understands that. Upgrade them as much as you can possibly withstand before upgrading because there will be less loot at your next TH level. Why you may ask? Because of the loot penalties, this is the percentages of the total loot that you can receive from an enemy.
- 5% for attacking someone with a TH 4+ levels lower than you.
- 25% for attacking someone with a TH 3 levels lower than you.
- 50% for attacking someone with a TH 2 levels lower than you.
- 90% for attacking someone with a TH 1 level lower than you.
- 100% for attacking someone with a TH level the same as you.
- 110% for attacking someone with a TH 1 level above you.
- 150% for attacking someone with a TH 2 levels above you.
- 200% for attacking someone with a TH 3 levels above you.
Learn the AI for every troop - While this seems very simple and straight forward, it can be quite demanding. As you probably know by now, once the troops are deployed, you cannot control them any further but knowing how they will react will allow you to strategically place them so that you can control them. Here is a brief description of how the beginning troop AI’s work and experimenting will only get you more accustomed to it.
Barbarians - They are dummies. They attack whatever is closest to it without having to go through walls.
Archers - They are dummies with range. They attack whatever is closest to them period since they can shoot over walls that are 2 or less layers thick. They cannot shoot over walls that are 3 layers thick.
Goblins - They are a “farmers” dream troop. They go straight for every resource building starting with what is closest to them without having to go through walls AND do 2x damage to resources. Do note that even if you know all the gold is in the collectors and none in the storage, they will still attack the storage even if it is bone dry.
Giants - They are big meat shields that attack defenses. They go straight for defenses, and prioritize the ones closer to them that are not inside walls. They are fairly useful though because of the fact that they prioritize defenses which is what you want to focus on because as soon as all the defenses are gone, your only enemy is the clock.
Wall Breakers - These are used to bust holes in your enemies walls. They only attack walls unless there are none to attack. Their damage is multiplied by 40x against walls. These are the toughest to learn the AI. I myself am still getting accustomed to the newest change in their AI, but you can learn more here. Once you understand them, you will over time get accustomed to it and learn how to manipulate them.
The rest of the troops are for more advanced players and I will consider adding them later if popular demand requires it. Here is also a bit more of detail on the subject by flammy5 on the CoC wiki.
Save for Builders - The #1 use for gems is to purchase additional builders. If you are planning to spend money on the game at any time, do it now to get Builders for the max return on investment. The sooner you get them the better because they allow you to upgrade more things at once. If you do not plan on spending any money, then save your gems that you get from achievements. You can earn up to 4 of the 5 buildesr if you save up all of your gems from achievements (I know it gets tempting to spend the gems when they are there to finish that upgrade or buy that little amount of gold you need for the upgrade but don’t!)
Protect Storage’s not Town Hall - While the game introduces the fact that protecting your TH is the most important thing to do, it is not. Protect your storage’s that have all of your precious money in it and ignore the TH. If someone destroys your TH, sure you lose a couple trophies but it gives you a free 12 Hour shield in which nobody can attack you! That is priceless. Of course later on if you want to focus on trophy hunting, then all power to you to do so in which case this would not be effective for you.
Take Advantage of Your Shields - If someone attacks you and gives you a shield, take advantage of it! If you however have the whole night or day ahead of you to farm, then go ahead and attack. It’s of course up to you and only you make your own decisions so it’s ultimately up to you. Remember that even when you have a shield up, you can still do the single player missions without ridding your shield.
Upgrade Resource Collectors - While this is a controversial topic, it is surely useful if you are not a very active player. Upgrading your gold mines and elixir collectors will provide you with free gold and elixir. The times for them begin to get fairly long especially if you only have 2-3 builders. If you’re going to be a very active player and farm all the time, then this can probably hold off in the beginning though it’s never a bad idea to upgrade them. Remember that the sooner you upgrade them, the higher the return on investment is for them.
Keep One Builder Free if Possible - While you may feel like your not getting the most out of it if not all of your builders are working, it is more effective to keep one free. If you know that you won’t be on for awhile then go ahead and assign them all. But, if you have 4 builders and assign them all to 3 day jobs, that’s 3 days where your going to be out of the game. You can farm but the more you have, the more you can lose when you are raided so keep one builder free to spend on wall upgrades before you logout and what not. It is okay to logout with resources in your storage’s especially if you are confident with your base but try to keep it to a minimum. Also, a side note is that keeping one builder free at all time allows you to clear out any bushes and trees that may pop up for the possibility of 1-3 gems.
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