New clan rules ! ! !
Be active in chat, keep it friendly and civil, non-active members will be kicked.
As stated from the clan leader this are the official clan rules:
1. How to become an elder ?
You need to donate at minimum 600 troops in one season
(2 weeks). To maintain the elder status you need to donate 300
troops in a season otherwise you will be demoted.
2. Inactive players
If someone after a half season (1 Week) has not donated any
If someone after a half season (1 Week) has not donated any
troops, or received any and has not achieved to be in a league,
he will be automatically kicked out of the clan.
If you plan to be inactive for a longer time (vacations or else) the
kicking could be avoided if you comunicate us this in advance.
If someone is already elder, but has been inactive for a season
(1 Week) he will be demoted.
This should be considered as a warning.
3. To enter the clan you need at least 1500 trophies.
4. Dealing with unkind and unfriendly members, hoppers,
spammers and trolls:
We ignore this people and we will not donate any troops to them.
In extreme cases this people will be banned.
5. After each season on this blog there will be posted the list
of the top donators and the top ten of the trophy positions in
the clan.
6. The first ten knights at the end of the season (2 weeks) are
immune from being kicked or demoted if they did not donate at
all or did not reach the 300 donations needed to maintain the
elder status.
This has to be considered kinda "safe zone". But till the end of
the season nothing is sure you will stay among the first ten
knights because everyone could overtake your position,
therefore keep on donating!

Actually banned people:
It takes much to ban somebody, believe me but there are people
who deserve it!
SAMMY REX (for having spammed and insulted the members of
the knights of Ni, for not respecting the rules and for trolling in general).
She tried to enter that many times, that we expect she may return anytime.
For this reason the clan was set to "invite only" when the clan leader
is away.
Kick her/him at sight!
Mlgbossguy (for having insulted the clan leader several times
for no reason and for trying to fake his donation status by leaving
and rejoining the clan to reset the results for two weeks subsequently).
Last captured status: Donated troops: 176 Received Troops: 477
Kicked with 3 Elder's votes.
SalamiTacos (for having invited continuosly low lvl people without
asking, for promoting people to elder status when they did not reach
the needed donations, furthermore for having completely messed up
the clan before quitting with his french friends= Alex20000727,
SpicyTortilla and Emerick de Gaul)
Alex20000727 (for having kicked people and promoted everyone
in the clan to elder)
SpicyTortilla and Emerick de Gaul (for being the friends of
SalamiTacos and Alex20000727 and speaking continuosly (with an
outrageous) french (accent) when they was told to speak english)

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